28.04.2015 13:03

Nudné šaty? Hmmmmm….. zatiaľ tak vyzerajú. Poďme sa spolu pozrieť, čo by sa dalo s nimi vymyslieť. Hlavný pomocník bude žltá šatka so vzorom.

Boring dress? Hmmmmm ... .. so far it seems like that. Let's look together, what could we invent. The leading assistant will be yellow scarf with a pattern.


Jednoducho uviazaná šatka v páse.

The scarf tied simply at the waist.


Šatka okolo pásu uviazaná na mašľu.

The scarf tied around the waist with bow.


Skúsime uviazať šatku okolo krku.

Let´s try to tie the scarf around the neck.


… alebo upevniť šatku v pase opaskom.

… or secure the scarf at the waist with the belt.


Šatka dobre poslúži aj ako cardigan.

The scarf serves well as the cardigan as well.


Nudné šaty? NIKDY!

Boring dress? NEVER!


This post is linked-up to Friday Favorites Link-up, The Wednesday Pants 32, Shoe and Tell Fashion Link upTurning Heads Tuesday Link up and Fun Fashion Friday