17.08.2015 11:28

Chodila som po obchodoch minulý týždeň. Vyzerá to tak, že jeseň/zima 2015 se nesie v duchu zemitých farieb. Je to jedno či si vyberiete kolekciu Channel, Prada, Tommy Hilfiger alebo Zara, sú všade. Skôr než ulice splynú s tými farbami jesene, rozhodla som sa rozjasniť svoj deň neónovými farbami.

I was doing som window shopping last week. It seems that the fall / winter 2015 will be in the spirit of earthy colors. It doesn´t matter whether you choose a collection from Channel, Prada, Tommy Hilfiger orZara, they are everywhere. Before streets blende in those autumn colors, I decided to brighten up my day with neon colors.

Toto fotenie bolo výnimočné, lebo som mala spoločnosť. Tentokrát Drobček nebehal len okolo, ale zapojila som ho do procesu. Vyberali sme spolu oblečenie a spolu pózovali pred fotoaparátom.

This photo shoot was special, because I had the company. Little One didn´t run around this time, but he was involved in the process. We've chose together outfits and posed together in front of the camera.


Little One:

Košeľa/Shirt: NEXT

Nohavice/Pants: HM

Tenisky/Sneakers: HM

Klobúk/Hat: HM



Top/Top: BEGA

Nohavice/Pants: Dorothy Perkings (featured also HERE)

Kabelka/Bag: Setan

Sandále/Sandals: NEW LOOK


This post is linked to Hello Monday, Classy Monday, Mahagony Closet, Fab Favorites, Turning Heads. Bloggers Who Have Inspire Me, The Wednesday Pants, Wordless Wednesday, Style Swap Tuesday, HowISummer, Jersey Girl, Tuesday Fashion Party, Friday Favorite, Top of the Wordl Style, Friday´s Fashions, Link up with Lisa.