02.08.2015 22:42

Tieto tmavomodré elegantné midi šaty ma v obchode okamžite zaujali. A tak isto rýchlo som ich vylúčila. Tento úzky strih obvykle nemá rád moje oblé krivky. Nakoniec so neodolala a bežala s nimi do skúšobnej kabínky. Na moje veľké prekvapenie som sa v nich cítila dobre.

This elegant dark blue midi dress caught my eyes immediately in the store. And also I quickly eliminated it. This narrow cut usually doesn´t like my curves. Finally, I didn´t resist and ran with the dress to the fitting room. To my great surprise, I felt good in them.


Na fotenie som ich doplnila perlovým náhrdelníkom a bielou kabelkou. Aby som nepôsobila veľmi stroho, osviežila som to trochu svojimi „dúhovými topánkami“. K tomu nový účes a môžem ísť kľudne ohlásiť svoju kandidatúru na prezidenta. o)

At a photo session, I added the pearl necklace and a white handbag. As I didn´t like to look very curtly, I refreshed the outfit a little bit wth my "rainbow shoes". This new updo and I can with now troubles to announce my candidacy for president. o)

Šaty/Dress: Dorothy Perkins

Sandále/Sandals: Sidewalk (featured also HERE)

Kabelka/Bag: COLETTE

Náhrdelník/Necklace: Talisman


This post is linked to Lizzie in Lace, Shoe and Tell, Creative Monday, Mahogany Closet, Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me, Hello Monday, Turning Heads, The Wednesday Pants, Style Swap Tuesday.